Bryerswood Youth Camp Optimist Club had a fantastic 2023 and it was due to many factors.
The community support of our camp through donations and volunteers helping us in many ways is nothing short of phenomenal. We have also seen tremendous growth in registrations for our programs, many of which were sold out.
Our sincere thanks to the residents of the Town of Amherstburg as well as Essex County and Windsor.
We saw much progress in the development of the campsite, with the installation of our four new cabins onto their permanent sites.
They were insulated, and then anchored on concrete pads. Electrical work was completed so that heat pumps can be installed. Our winter project is to do the interior finishing, so that they will be ready for rentals.
Staining of the exteriors is partially finished and will continue as soon as weather permits.
Although three of the cabins are sponsored, we are searching for a sponsor for the fourth cabin, with naming rights available.
Stay posted for more good news in 2024, as we will be starting a new renovation project - Phase 2 of our Activity Centre. Plans are for 2 washrooms to be updated, with one being fully accessible, and a new kitchen.
Phase 1 was the installation of new windows and doors and the placement of the water line underground.
One of our goals this year is to add new members to our Founders Club. The members of this ‘club’ - individuals or groups - donate $5,000 or more, and in return, they choose a ‘section’ of the camp on which their name is placed.
There are many opportunities for volunteers, if you have time available to help at Bryerswood. Yard work, interior and exterior finishing, and office work are some of the jobs.
All of this could not have been accomplished without the hard work and dedication of our Operating Committee and Club Members. We extend a warm welcome to our new board of directors - Norbert Bolger, Nancy Flagler-Wilburn, Nancy Parker, Ian Phillips and Chris Renaud, who will be helping to guide us to an even better 2024.
—Submitted by BYCOC president Kathi Poupard