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Eclipse was better than I thought it would be

Picture of Ron Giofu with caption "Just a Thought"

I have to admit Monday’s total solar eclipse was cooler than I thought it would be in more ways than one.

In the days and weeks leading up to Monday, I have to admit I was dreading it somewhat. Monday is when we do much of the production work here at the River Town Times, with that meaning for me that I lay out most of the paper.

It’s that day where I choose what stories go where and put them on the pages.

So when the eclipse was getting closer, I started asking for some help with covering it, though I ended up being able to go to one site myself. I was stationed at Holiday Beach Conservation Area and met up with people near and far who wanted to view the eclipse, all through their special glasses of course.

I had waited too long, or so I thought, for my own pair as businesses I went to were all out, but luckily co-owner, co-worker and friend extraordinaire Laura had an extra pair. On top of that, I received another pair when I got to Holiday Beach so I was all set.

Admittedly, I thought there was a bit too much hype of the eclipse heading in but using the special glasses to see it, I was more impressed than I thought I would be. While it looked to me like a crescent moon for much of the time, when the total eclipse happened and the sky darkened, I do think that was neat.

The drop in temperature, the other part of the total eclipse being “cooler” than expected, was also noteworthy. 

I got out of the conservation area with relative ease but was still somewhat taken aback by the long line of traffic I got caught in on County Road 50.

Between that and other viewing events like the one co-hosted by G.L. Heritage Brewing Co. and the Bryerswood Youth Camp Optimist Club, police were on hand in Malden Centre to direct the traffic. 

It was an interesting event to cover, more interesting than I thought it would be to be honest. I’ve never covered something quite like this in my career, so I didn’t really know what to expect when I went into it, but it turned out OK.

I’m glad I was a part of it, but for next time, I hope the stars align and the eclipse happens on a less busy day for me. I’ll try to put in a call, but I don’t think that request will go very far.

Eclipse was better than I thought it would be

Ron Giofu

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