I am writing this letter with regards to bylaw enforcement procedures. First and foremost, this is no reflection on (manager of licensing and enforcement) Mr. (Bill) Tetler or his officers. After hearing many stories of the Amherstburg bylaws being breached, I would like council to consider a change in procedure policy.
At present, the policy when there is an infringement against the town bylaw is a reactive measure. Once citizens start something that is contrary to a bylaw the person in question carries on not knowing if at some point there will be a complaint and all the effort and money, they have put in will have to come to a stop. Most likely the citizens will attempt to have their project or event be allowed to continue. This now creates expenses for the citizen and the town. At this point it’s like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube.
With proactive enforcement, and bylaw given a free hand with no outside/inside influence, should reduce the cost of enforcement for the town and cost for the disgruntled citizen. This change would greatly reduce the level of frustration for citizens who see and report a violation. This proactive policy is no different than proactive policing and fire prevention in the town.
—Del Oxford