Community Events
Wednesday, September 11
Essex County Field Naturalists Club meeting; Held at Ojibway Centre on Matchett Road in Windsor at 7 p.m. Club is pleased to present the documentary: “A Priority Place.” The Long Point Biosphere Reserve is located on the shores of Lake Erie in Norfolk County. A long-established UNESCO World Biosphere, the region gained the “Priority Place” status in recognition of its unique stretch of Carolinian Forest, habitat for many endangered species, and conservation community with its highly collaborative approach to restoration, road mortality mitigation, invasive species eradication, and nature education. All are welcome. Free to public.
Sunday, September 15
Orchid Society meeting; Essex County Orchid Society invites you to join them at 1:30 p.m. at St Stephen’s Anglican Church on Howard Ave., with Toronto speaker, Inge Poot talking about Organic Pest Control. Refreshments served. Membership time, $20 individual or $30 for family. Lots of free parking! We are on FB.
Wednesday, September 18
Mission AGM; The Amherstburg Food & Fellowship Mission, 298 Victoria St. S., invites the public to its annual general meeting. Seating is limited, RSVP Jill at before Sept. 16. Starts at 6:30 p.m.
Friday, September 20
Music off the Back Porch; The final “Music off the Back Porch” for 2024 season being held at the Park House Museum, 214 Dalhousie St. Features entertainment by the Compass Rose band & Monique Belanger. Runs from 5:30-7:30 p.m., weather permitting. Donations welcome. Please bring your own chair.
Saturday, September 21
Car Jam; North Star High School concert band presenting car show, barbecue, mini-market, face painting, bake sale and more. Runs from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Encounter Church, 125 Alma St. $10 per car, $40 vendor fee. To register a vehicle, call Ray at 519-712-8763 or e-mail Vendors can register by calling Julie at 226-347-8035 or e-mail
Sunday, September 22
Bryerswood golf tournament; Third annual charity golf tournament to benefit Bryerswood Youth Camp Optimist Club occurring at Wildwood Golf, 11112 11th Concession Road, in McGregor. Four-person scramble. $135 per golfer. 9 a.m. shotgun start. To register, e-mail Mary Ann Mertens at or call 519-988-6420.
Sunday, September 22
SACU event; Held at Vivace Estate Winery, 5141 Concession 5 North, in Amherstburg. Live entertainment, wine tasting and more. Save African Child Uganda (SACU) will announce its list of gifted sponsors and family. Runs from 12-4 p.m. Register at
Thursday, September 26
Lunch & Learn; Held at Amherstburg Community Services (ACS) from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Following a complimentary light lunch and a brief information session, people will head outdoors for a neighbourhood stroll (1km) with Const. Nick Dupuis of the Windsor Police Service – Amherstburg Detachment. Topic is home safety. Rain or shine. Limited seating, must be registered to attend. Please mention any mobility concerns when reserving your seat. Call 519-736-5471.
Sunday, September 29
Sunday School; Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 11 Concession 3 North at Alma St., will be offering Sunday School for children ages 4-8 starting at 10:30 a.m. To register or for info, call Heidi at 519-736-4747.
Friday, October 4
Chili Fundraiser; Enjoy “Tim’s Favorite Chili Dinner” at the Amherstburg Food & Fellowship Mission from 5-8 p.m. Comes with coleslaw, rolls, coffee/tea, dessert. Adults $15, children under 12 $8. For tickets, stop by the mission (298 Victoria St. S.) and see Violet or Kim. For info, call 519-736-9140. Proceeds help fund the mission’s operations.
Volunteers needed; The Amherstburg Food & Fellowship Mission needs volunteers to clean, wash dishes and provide maintenance. Cleaners are required Monday-Friday from 2-4 p.m. to mop floors and to clean bathrooms, countertops, tables, carts, etc. Dishwashers are needed Monday-Friday 1-3 p.m. to wash dishes, pots and pans. Maintenance people are needed Monday-Saturday as needed for maintenance of the building. Commitment is one day or more per week, on a regular basis. If interested or for more info, send e-mail to
Service time change; Christ Anglican Church, 317 Ramsay St., is changing the times of their Sunday service. There is now one service, starting at 11 a.m. All are welcome.
Stroll & Roll walking group; Interested in meeting new people? Moving more? Weekly walking group to meet rain or shine. Free for everyone in the community, open to all abilities. Runs Tuesdays in Navy Yard Park in Amherstburg from 10-11 a.m., July 2-Sept. 24. In Harrow Thursdays from 10-11 a.m. at Harrow Health Centre (1480 Erie St. S.) from July 11-Sept. 26. Inclement weather alternatives are Libro Centre in Amherstburg and community room in clinic in Harrow. For info, call Amherstburg Family Health Team at 519-736-7770 ext. 235 or Harrow 519-738-2000 ext. 222.
Meals on Wheels; Offered by Amherstburg Community Services (ACS). Meals on Wheels assists those who are unable to shop for food and cook meals. Also available to those recovering from illness or surgery. Healthy, delicious and affordable meals provided to residents of Amherstburg, Harrow, McGregor and LaSalle. ACS caters to dietary needs, each meal comes with soup, bread, main course and dessert. Cost $8 per meal. Call 519-736-5471 for details.
Columbus Community Hall events; The Columbus Community Hall at 190 Richmond St. still has bingos every Thursday night and fish fries (with chicken as well) on Friday nights. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the evening. Sr. Parties start back up in September.
Amherstburg Residents Forum; Group welcomes residents seeking solutions to town hall to join them the last Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the union hall on Pickering across from Walmart.
Miracle League needs volunteers; The Miracle League of Amherstburg needs volunteers for the fall season. People can help at one game or multiple games (up to four) every Saturday, weather permitting. Great for students needing volunteer hours or adults looking to give back. For info or to sign up, visit
Rotary Club of Amherstburg meetings; Rotary meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month in the community room at ACS at 6 p.m. New members welcome. For info, e-mail or call Susanne at 519-990-2775.
Golden Age Club; The Golden Age Club, Amherstburg’s friendship club, located at 179 Victoria St. S., offers social activities five days a week, $10 a year to join. There are over 160 members who have fun playing euchre, pepper, bingo, cribbage, mahjong and bridge and line dancing. Club also crochets mats from milk bags for those in need. We also have three special luncheons and a beautiful Christmas party. You pick which activities you want to participate in. Visit to see how to join, participate, and learn how we support our community.
Essex County Orchid Society meetings; The Essex County Orchid Society invites you to join them monthly, third Sunday of the month till May at St. Stephen’s Church Hall, 5280 Howard Ave; 1:30 p.m. Refreshments served. New members and visitors welcome. We are on Facebook!
Lighthouse Church events; Lighthouse Church, in conjunction with Feeding Windsor, invites the public to come Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. for a free dinner. All welcome. No registration required. Church is also offering divorce care recovery sessions for 13 weeks, running every Wednesday from 6:30-8 p.m. starting Sept. 18. No charge to attend, $20 to buy the workbook. Lighthouse Church is also showing “The Chosen” every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Free to attend, everyone welcome. Popcorn will be served. Lighthouse Church is located at 266 King St. (entrance off Gore St.).
Mental Health & Counselling Services; The Youth Wellness Hub presenting mental health and counselling services at The House Youth Centre. Runs every Wednesday from 2-6 p.m. Free for people between the ages of 12-25. The House is located at 320 Richmond St. For details, call 519-800-8640.
Mission hours; The Amherstburg Food and Fellowship Mission, 298 Victoria St. S., open from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. with lunch between 12-1 p.m. Mission food bank open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m.-11:45 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. For info, call 519-736-9140 or visit Stop by for food, fellowship and a warm welcome. All donations welcome.
ACS Food Bank; Curbside pickup at Amherstburg Community Hub (320 Richmond St.). Runs Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-12 noon. Call 519-736-5471 for assistance.
Volunteers needed; Community service volunteer hours are available for high school students. Outside jobs at Bryerswood Youth Camp. Please contact
Bottle donations; The AMA Sportsmen Association accepts donations of empty beer and wine bottles. People who wish to donate empties can drop them off at the rear of the club, 468 Lowes Side Road in Amherstburg. For info, visit or call 519-736-5706.
Founders Club; Bryerswood Youth Camp Optimist Club seeking donors to join the “Founders Club” and help fund general operations of the camp. Donors with gifts of $5,000 and over become “Founders Club” members and have one square of camp property sponsored in their name. Multiple squares available. Tax receipts provided. For info, visit, call 519-996-7364 or e-mail
Amherstburg Community Services; Located at 320 Richmond St., 519-736-5471. Meals on Wheels, CareLink Accessible Transportation, Food Bank, Senior Support, Keep The Heat, Ontario Energy Support Program & much more. Please call to see how we can help!