Essex County council has agreed to undertake preliminary design work and cost estimates for traffic signals at a LaSalle intersection.
The traffic signals are being considered at Front Road and Martin Lane as well as Front Road and Victory St. The move came as a result of a report that had been requested by LaSalle Mayor Crystal Meloche and LaSalle Deputy Mayor Michael Akpata due to traffic volumes in those areas of Front Road.
The County of Essex engaged with the engineering firm R.C. Spencer and Associates to study those areas of Front Road, also known as County Road 20.
“The results of the work are that neither traffic signals or a pedestrian crosswalk are needed at this time, however, they are close. Administration does recognize that traffic volumes have risen in that area significantly since 2019,” said Allan Botham, the county’s director of infrastructure and planning. “We recognize there are approved subdivision plans between Martin Lane and Victory St. in LaSalle. They’re in place and new homes are being constructed at this time.” Botham said the cost of the preliminary designs is $12,000.
Meloche said there are a lot of unknowns as to when LaSalle residents could see a remedy in that area. She asked when people can see improvements there. Botham said the county recommends monitoring the situation “because the numbers are so close.”
There are subdivisions that are close to starting, Meloche added, and there has been an increase of 5,200 cars per day over the last five years.
“That’s a huge increase in numbers,” she said.
The growth being referenced is only in that immediate area of Front Road near Martin Lane and Victory St., but Meloche said that doesn’t take into account growth in Amherstburg that comes through the town. She wanted a better plan in place as the area is anticipated to get busier.
“We have to get a little more proactive. Sitting and waiting is something I’m not comfortable with,” she said.
Botham noted the county could recommend costs could be recouped from developers in that area if it impacts those intersections. Meloche wanted plans “to be taken to the next step.”
Lakeshore Mayor Tracey Bailey said it was the type of report she wanted to see, stating they know development is coming so the recommendation is to be prepared. It uses data and analysis allows for preparation and if more action is needed, it can be implemented.
“I love this approach. This is exactly what I was hoping we would come back with. A one-size-fits-all approach across all of the county,” said Bailey.
Essex Mayor Sherry Bondy said elected officials “are on the front end. We hear the comments from the public.” Bondy said she would like to see work done sooner rather than later, noting she is familiar with LaSalle and “there is a lot of traffic.”
LaSalle Councillor Mark Carrick, filling in for Akpata at the last county council meeting, noting he agreed with Meloche. He added Amherstburg is growing “and that’s a major artery from Amherstburg into the city, let alone LaSalle. Sooner rather than later is much better.” Amherstburg Mayor Michael Prue acknowledged a lot of vehicles from Amherstburg are going into LaSalle. He noted the county will be considering its budget soon, with county CAO Sandra Zwiers stating there are dedicated line items for these sorts of projects.
Prue said there will be an opportunity soon to adjust the budget recommendations if Meloche would like that area addressed sooner. Meloche said there are safety and speeding concerns in that area, with Meloche stating the area of Front Road between Martin Lane and Victory St. is 900 metres.
According to statistics she obtained from LaSalle police, Meloche said from January to April 8, 13 per cent of tickets were in that area of Front Road.
County to undertake design work at LaSalle intersection, Amherstburg traffic a factor
By Ron Giofu