The Amherstburg heritage committee received an update on the proposed heritage conservation district (HCD).
The committee met last Thursday evening where Nick Bogaert from the firm MHBC Planning, Urban Design & Landscape Architecture gave the committee latest information on the study. He noted work to date has included project start-up and background review, historical research and policy review, an initial site visit and detailed field inventory, an evaluation of properties in the study area and preliminary mapping outlining findings.
Work still ongoing includes a community open house, which is planned for April 15, finalization of the district boundary, completion of the study document and consideration of recommendations by town council.
The proposed district would encompass two sections of the downtown area, the first bounded by North St., Wolfe St., Simcoe St., Park St. and the waterfront while the area of Dalhousie St. would be the second area. The boundaries would be further subdivided into “character areas” with the Belle Vue area staying on its own with the other area divvied up into north, central, south, Sandwich St., east and waterfront areas.
With each “character areas” having their own attributes and heritage features, Bogaert indicated each area would be looked at differently.
“Each character area has separate policies around it,” added town heritage planner Adam Coates.
Next steps include the production of a newsletter and/or media releases, additional community consultation including the open house, the finalization of the HCD study report, revising the study report and inventory based on public feedback, more presentations to the heritage committee and town council and the commencement of work on the HCD plan, subject to council approval of the study.
Councillor Linden Crain asked why certain properties were removed from the HCD study with Coates stating there were specific reasons for each such as fire, demolition or other reasons.
“Each case was unique,” said Coates.
Heritage committee chair Simon Chamely expressed enthusiasm on the progress.
“I feel we’re getting somewhere,” he said.
Heritage Conservation District Study update given to committee
By Ron Giofu