The North Star Football Booster Club brought in a crowd of well over 100 people to Shooters Roadhouse on the weekend to raise money for the program.
A pasta dinner was held to fundraise for the football team and the necessary supplies they need. Even though it was put on by the booster club, the team's head coach was pleased with the turnout, noting the dinner raised just over $2,220.
“It's a lot of walk-ins, a lot of players' families coming in,” said Joel Charron. “I'm really pleased.”
Charron said he wanted to see a lot of former players that passed through the football program at General Amherst High School and North Star High School.
“I'm really hoping a lot of my former players come out, have some dinner and talk football with coach Joel,” he said. “I'm really liking what I'm seeing.”
Announcements took place throughout the evening, including the naming the Defensive Player of the Year after former coach Jim MacDougall. Charron said since he began as the team's head coach, he wanted to honour past coaches. The team already had awards named for former coaches Dave Scott and John Rudak, and now added MacDougall to that list.
Kyle Jones, a student graduating this year, will have the Leadership Award named for him. Charron said Jones demonstrated leadership and mentorship with younger players and he wanted to name an award for him.
“He was the exact leader the program needed at the right time,” said Charron.
New jerseys will also be worn by the players next season. Hogarth Hermiston Severs LLP and Xclusive Glass sponsored the jerseys and the logos of those businesses/firms will be on the sleeves of the jerseys.
“We've got community businesses investing in the community,” he said. “I can't thank them enough.”
Charron said he is not on the board for the booster club as he is the head coach, but thanked the booster club for raising money for the program. He said they are trying to do everything from buying new equipment to helping players who may not be able to afford to play the sport.
Ken Greason, the president of the booster club, and his wife Lisa, who is also on the board, were also happy with the turnout. They pointed out the bake sale went well as well.
“It's for the kids in the uniforms,” said Lisa. “The community really came out for this team.”
Ken added the team helped their own cause as well.
“Everywhere you look is parents and players,” he said. “The staff at Shooters have been excellent.”
Pasta dinner held to help North Star High School football team
By Ron Giofu