Sections of two local streets will receive special designations.
King St. between Gore St. and Simcoe St. will be dubbed “Mac Simpson Way” to honour Amherstburg Freedom Museum founder Melvin “Mac” Simpson.
Dalhousie St. between Gore St. and Fort Malden National Historic Site will be known as “Veterans Way” to pay tribute to local veterans who served Canada in times of war.
A presentation from the museum outlined Simpson’s efforts and the history of the museum, with it noting that the museum celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2025.
“Mr. Simpson’s tireless efforts in the community have left an indelible mark, and it would be a fitting tribute to honor his memory as part of the museum’s 50th anniversary celebration by adding this honorary name to King Street,” the presentation noted.
Cari-Lynn Ristic, a board member with the Amherstburg Freedom Museum, appeared before town council to make the request.
“This year, as we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we wanted to make a request to honour the legacy of our founder Melvin ‘Mac’ Simpson and rename a section of King St. ‘Mac Simpson Way,’” said Ristic.
That stretch of King St. passes right in front of the museum, which also has the Nazrey AME Church National Historic Site on its grounds.
Town council voted unanimously to approve it, but Councillor Peter Courtney wondered if the town is “opening a can of worms” by going down this route. Deputy CAO/director of development services Melissa Osborne said the town’s policy on the matter allows for individuals or groups to make such requests.
“It is an option that is provided for,” said Osborne.
Courtney said both are great causes but questioned how many more requests could come forward.
“I’d like to tread lightly down this path,” said Courtney. “I’ve said that with crosswalks. I’d like to stay neutral.”
Councillor Linden Crain said he saw no risk with putting Simpson’s name on the honorary street name.
“The Freedom Museum was founded by this individual and continues to promote his legacy,” said Crain.Crain said “it allows Amherstburg to stand out and be unique” and there is no cost to landowners. Because it is an honourary title, the name King St. would remain and no one would have to change their addresses.
Councillor Don McArthur said he was happy to support the museum’s request.
“I think it celebrates our history. I think it celebrates a valuable community pillar that does a lot of good for this town,” said McArthur.
McArthur reiterated Crain’s point there is no cost to change addresses for residents, and that it “celebrates a vital community institution.”
Deputy Mayor Chris Gibb said soldiers fought for freedom and the museum teaches people about freedom.
“This organization is a core organization. It is one of the greatest thing Amherstburg is known for – a stop on the Underground Railroad,” said Gibb.Mayor Michael Prue noted the museum’s milestone anniversary and that the town is still indebted to what the museum has done.
“This is a very simple request. It’s at a very minimal cost – a few hundred dollars to put up an alternate sign,” said Prue.
The mayor added the town’s history as a terminus on the Underground Railroad. He noted the town markets itself as a historic town and the Underground Railroad “is a very huge part of our history.” Homes built near the museum were built by Quakers and abolitionists, he added.
Councillor Diane Pouget said she supported the museum’s request but wanted council to keep in mind what Courtney mentioned.
“This is a very worthy cause but I understand what (Courtney) is saying,” said Pouget.
Royal Canadian Legion Fort Malden Br. 157 president Shawn Wilkie made the request for “Veterans Way,” with the initial request to be Dalhousie St. between Gore St. to Richmond St.
“The initiative is an effort to honour and commemorate the sacrifices and contributions of Canadian and local veterans who have selflessly served our country to defend the freedoms we have today,” said Wilkie.
Giving that section of Dalhousie St. a special designation would remind residents and visitors the courage of veterans, Wilkie added. He said it would be a “fitting area” to recognize those who served in the Canadian Armed Forces. Wilkie added it would also help promote remembrance in the community, which is a mission of Legion Br. 157.
Courtney said council received concerns from a veteran and wanted to ensure the Legion went through the correct channels to make the request. He added the request would initiate thought on the service of veterans.
“I was not against the other presentation either. I’m just saying as long as you followed the right chain and this was approved, then I support this,” said Courtney.
Councillor Molly Allaire noted she was in London and saw their “Veterans Way” and the signs with veterans names and pictures on light poles. Wilkie said that project is in the works with banners to be proposed for light poles in Amherstburg.
Allaire suggested expanding the “Veterans Way” stretch of roadway with Wilkie saying the Legion would be open to a longer stretch. She said the initial distance proposed was not enough.
“They have travelled thousands of miles fighting for our country,” said Allaire, though wanted to know costs of expanding the designation.
The costs for signs is $250 apiece, administration told Allaire.
Allaire made the motion to extend “Veterans Way” along Dalhousie St. from Gore St., past the cenotaph, to Fort Malden National Historic Site. Courtney added it is a gateway to the cenotaph from both directions of Dalhousie St.
Like the King St. designation, there would be no address changes for businesses or residents as the official street name would not change. Also like King St., the motion passed unanimously.
A number of years ago, town council of the day agreed to a similar designation of a section of Texas Road when it was given a “Via Verdi” name.
Town council votes to give commemorative street designations
By Ron Giofu