The long weekend was a busy one, but especially so for the Municipality of Leamington.
Every year the first long weekend in August sees thousands of motorbikes of all shapes and sizes descend upon the town for the annual “Hogs for Hospice” event.
2024 marked their ninth year.
“Even with the challenges of two years of Covid we still did things,” said Hogs for Hospice president and board member Joe Oswald. “We had outdoor movies and other things like that.”
“It’s become a community event. We have over 500 volunteers and not one person is on the payroll. We are 100 per cent volunteer,” said Oswald. “We believe we built something our town can be proud of and we feel blessed that the Leamington community has embraced us from day one.”
The four-hour ride was only part of the event.
Vendors were selling everything from clothing to food, attendees enjoyed music at the beer garden, freestyle motorcycle shows, concerts, clubs that raise awareness for child abuse, a community breakfast, Honour our Veterans Ceremony and Blessing of the Bikes, Sunday Morning Worship service, a biker rodeo, Jr Bike Rodeo, and this year even included RibFest.
The event is basically free except for what you choose to spend. There is no admission fee and the shows are free except for the concerts.
The concert lineup featured top acts like Justin Moore, Priscilla Block, Stone Temple Pilots, and Quiet Riot.
Over 2,000 bikes were registered for the official ride, but many more were in attendance, and the park saw over 10,000 visitors each day of the three-day event.
“A huge thank you to everyone for believing in us, said Oswald. “This event could not take place without our volunteers, our sponsors, or the community embracing us. It’s no longer our event, it’s everyone’s event.”
Another successful year for Hogs for Hospice
By Donna Tuckwell