What a year 2024 has been for Bryerswood Youth Camp Optimist Club!
The tremendous support which the Club has received from the community is nothing short of phenomenal. Bryerswood Youth Camp has seen a huge growth in the programs we have been able to offer, and the participation rate has been outstanding. Day camps were offered all year, starting with the Christmas holidays in January before the children went back to school. On every PD Day throughout the school year, day camps were offered and appreciated by the parents who went to work on those days.
During the March Break, the campers became explorers and had five days of exploring different parts of the world.
The Summer Camp program was exceptional. A full six weeks of day camps were held and over 400 camper experiences were provided. Field trips were held every week. There were too many smiles to count, and laughter was a constant noise which was heard at the camp. This year was also the first year that we were able to hire Camp Counselors, thanks to the Canada Summer Jobs program.
Other annual events which happened in 2024 included the Rib or Chicken Dinner at the end of January, Earth Day celebrations in April, and the Golf Tournament in September. A new event, the Mid-Summer FUNdraiser was held on July 31. A big shout out to GL Heritage and the River Rock Ramblers for making this event an outstanding success.
Improvements to the camp property continued throughout the year. A new fridge was purchased for the Lodge, a pollinator garden was created at the camp entryway, furniture was purchased for the cabins and the Activity Centre renovations happened. The Activity Centre now has accessible washroom and kitchen facilities thanks to a Trillium Foundation grant of $150,000.
During 2024, we also lost four of our members and supporters. Ruth, Pat, Mary Lou and Joan, we will deeply miss you.
Watch our webpage - www.bryerswood.com - for upcoming events. The Rib or Chicken Dinner information is posted under the Events tab, and tickets can be purchased online. March Break “Game On” registration is open, and our Summer Camp registration will open Jan. 15.
There will be opening celebrations for the Activity Centre renovations and the new cabins. As well, information about all upcoming camps, special events and fundraisers is available on our webpage as well as on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
When our camp is not being used by the children and youth, the facilities are available to rent by the part day, the day, the weekend or longer. If you are interested in renting or want to tour the camp, please send an email to info@bryerswood.com New volunteers are always welcome. If you want to have some fun, some laughter and make a true impact, all while making things better for children, please reach out to info@bryerswood.com.
We’re looking forward to 2025. It is going to be even better than 2024!
—Submitted by Cathy Robertson & Caitlin Gonneau
Community Group 2024 recap - Bryerswood Youth Camp Optimist Club