Council was aware at least one veteran member of the community has misgivings, concerns and documentation for why the word “veteran” was not appropriate as it dilutes sacrifices made by those brave souls that did not have the opportunity to become “veterans.”
Council rushed to make a decision with a non-time sensitive issue. Council received only one delegate from the Legion, requesting a change of name for a portion of Dalhousie St., motions, discussions to extend the length of the proposal from the Legion to Fort Malden.
Approved, signed sealed and delivered within an amazing 20 minutes.
However, in council’s rush to please, they failed to take into account other factors or to include a pause for thoughtful reflection:
Amherstburg does have a street naming bylaw and procedures to follow.
Social /cultural: Why would all veterans get acknowledgement, when so many other groups have not been granted the same respect, a very complex issue.
War Veterans: when Canada had over a million war veterans, there were no streets, bridges, schools named for living veterans. Very simple answer, war veterans would not allow any acknowledgement in their words for “the lucky ones.”
On the other hand, Canada has added Veterans Week from Nov. 5-11 to recognize and honour veterans with awards for their accomplishments as veterans.
Why not have streets named to honour all veterans!
King George V addressed the people of the Empire for the First Armistice Day in 1919, he proclaimed on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month there be for a brief space of two minutes, perfect stillness, so the thoughts of everyone may be concentrated on reverent remembrance of the glorious dead. Very respectful.
Renaming a portion of the 401, Highway of Heroes out of respect for those young Canadians we lost in Afghanistan. Very Respectful.
Renaming Dalhousie St., after “All Veterans, The Lucky Ones.” Infringing on the Cenotaph, monument and empty grave honouring our glorious dead, buried or lost in far reaches of the Earth. I ask the readers is this respectful!
I do not feel council is being disrespectful with a defined purpose, but being disrespectful due to lack of gained knowledge,
Lest We Forget
—WO Gary Bowerman CD (rtd)
Town council “rushed” to dub
Dalhousie St. “Veterans’ Way”